Why blog?

Well, as if I didn't have enough to do already, I thought this would be a neat way to chronicle the events that are going on in our lives right now, and hopefully in a few years read back and think, "How the heck did I do that?"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Alia, that mouth!

Those of you that know Alia, know Alia.  Those of you that don't, will, after this post.  This girl is something else.  She's said many things to me throughout her 6 short years, but some really stand out.  This morning, while having breakfast, she was asked by Herman to stop talking and eat her cereal. This girl talks. And talks, and talks.  She quickly responded, "Well, what do I have my mouth for, for talking, right?"  GULP....  He just looked at me, and I looked at him.  We were speechless.  For me, it was borderline rude, but I know she's testing the waters.  And I know she's Alia.  I breathed, (Thank you, Conscious Discipline) - and I remained silent.  She's partially right? What do I say?  I chose to say nothing at the time.  Later in the day, when she returns from school, I will replay that scenario with her, and suggest other ways of responding, without being so darn blunt.  And I will do that.  Part of me though, is in awe of her.  She's 6.  She stands up for what she feels, and darn it, she says it!  Is that a good quality to have?  As a woman? As a person who has strong beliefs?  I hope she carries that tenacity with her throughout the rest of her life.  I know that if she does, when she falters of that road that we have (hopefully) paved for her, and falter she will, she will have the faith, determination and self assurance to get right back on it.  I love her.  She drives me crazy. She is responsible for every white hair on my head.  But she reminds me, daily, without a doubt, that her mouth is for talking.  And talk she does.

I am blessed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Disney, Play set, and Santa

It's been a while since I've posted, longer than I thought.  The idea of posting has been lingering in my head for a while, just quite hadn't gotten to my fingers and my laptop.  Anywho- (as my daughters now say) here I am.  Funny how you pick up things from YOUR kids, as they do from you.  Funny and scary. 

So, what have we been up to?  We ventured out to Disney a couple of weeks ago.  I was terrified of taking the twins.  Not terrified as in what can Disney do to my twins, but what can my twins do to Disney.  Specifically, Aila.  Specifically, her vocal chords.  I mean, the girl can belch out screams like no one I've ever seen.  I figured she would scream from the moment we got off the hotel bus, to the moment we got back on it.  Well, what do you know?  Wasn't bad at all.  My oldest sister is always reminding me that I have very low expectations of my kids, in terms of their behavior.  She's probably right.  I just don't like setting myself up for disappointments.  So I figure, expect bad, and if you get good, you'll be satisfied.  They were great!  We divided and conquered.  Anel, (gasp) was ready to take on the "more adventurous rides" like Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, etc... and so Herman took her on those and I took the little ones to the other, more kiddie rides.  We got together for family rides, and it worked out great!  Jason, my nephew joined us on Friday, and needless to say, that made it so much easier.  Bless him.  At this rate, he will never have his own children.  This is the same Jason who babysat for us last year when we went to Disney without the twins.  Can you say birth control?  HEHEHE.  The twins hated the characters, more like were terrified, but really liked the princesses.   All around, I'm glad we took them.  We also got to spend time with my other sister, Emoy and her family, which was fantastic.  Love to spend time with the family. 

So on to the play set.  Herman and I have been discussing the need for a play set in our backyard.  Well, not the need, but the desire.  Herman, being Herman, figures that if we have a play set, why would I ever suggest that we take them to a park again?  I'm one step ahead of him- I've got 17 yrs. under my belt next to this guy.  (Herman, we'll be going to parks, my dear, sorry.)  I do agree it would be nice, not necessarily a need.  Anywho, we figured, this is the year.  So off we went play set shopping, with the best testers, the twins.  Those of you that know Herman well, know that bigger is better for him.  (Does that apply to my weight too?)....  So he decided that we needed not one, not two, but three slides.  So after going back and forth and north and south and east and west, and I mean that literally, all over town, we ended up with a Costco play set, ONLINE.  Should've never left my house!  But of course, nothing is easy, Costco won't install that particular set, and without boring you with more details, we found a local dealer, same playset, with installation, great price.  Pictures forthcoming.  Installation date - Nov. 14.  Then the dilemma, how do we get around to making that a Christmas gift, on Nov. 14, for Alia?  Problem solved.  It's an early birthday gift, Alia.  Real early.  If I tell her otherwise, the cat will be out of the bag.  That girl is way toooooo smart!  

Which leads me to my final topic.  Santa.  It was time.  Time for Anel.  I was torn.  I knew I had to confirm her suspicions, but it was killing me.  Killing me as in knowing that this was the end of an illusion, but also the beginning of a new phase.  So when she asked me, point blank, this summer, I had to be honest.  I hope that I did a good job of acknowledging the truth to her, but also being open and true about the true meaning of the holiday season, the importance of keeping that illusion alive for her siblings and cousins, and most importantly keeping that holiday spark and spirit alive within her.  She knew, she just needed to hear it from me.  She was emotional and upset initially, but then she absorbed it all in and I was stunned at her later reaction. She couldn't believe the sacrifices that we all make to please our children during the holidays.  I was proud.  Some adults still don't get that.  Next on the list, Alia.  I know I have a few more years, or at least, I hope to.  Knowing Alia, though, she may just corner me this Christmas.  I'm not giving in.  Not yet. 

I am blessed.