Why blog?

Well, as if I didn't have enough to do already, I thought this would be a neat way to chronicle the events that are going on in our lives right now, and hopefully in a few years read back and think, "How the heck did I do that?"

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Anel and cheerleading

Anel has tried out for her school's cheerleading squad for the past three years, starting as a 5th grader.  The first time, she didn't make it.  She claims her nerves got the best of her.  As a 6th grader, again, she didn't make it.  She claims her "toe touch" was not high enough.  As a 7th grader, she tried out again, pretty confident this would be her last tryout - she made it.

The first two tryouts that didn't turn out as she had hoped, were an opportunity to teach a 'life lesson.'  Many times, at life, we try, we try and still don't succeed. Sometimes, it's perhaps the notion that we think we've tried hard enough or prepared enough, when in fact we haven't.  Or perhaps other times, it's just fate, it wasn't mean to be.  I used those 'failed' opportunities to try and send the message, that sometimes things just don't turn out the way we hoped for.  It's a hard lesson for adults, much harder for a child/soon to be teenager.  You hear the usual, 'it isn't fair, why me, I'm just not meant to do this, etc...'  And perhaps some of these complaints are valid.  But, they don't get you closer to your goal.
Frankly, I didn't push the issue any of the three times.  I asked her what she wanted and to go ahead with it.  I did try to fill in the 'void' of not making it the first two times.  We tried cooking/baking lessons, other things to make her feel successful at something.

This last time, she was more prepared and more determined.  She practiced her toe touch.  She perfected the routines.  She wanted it bad.  I always try to prepare my kids for worst case scenario.  Maybe it's my maternal instincts kicking in.  In spite of all this preparation, I reminded her, you still may not make it.  You have to be ready for that too.  I know, I know, positive thinking.  But after being married to Herman for quite some time now, his philosophy of, "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best" has rubbed off.

So the day came, she tried out, and said she felt confident.  Then the waiting game began.  A few days later, I hear a yelp.  "MOM, I MADE IT!"
It's so great when our kids accomplish something they wanted so bad.  It's just cheerleading, I know, but I think a good valuable lesson came out of it.  If at first, you don't succeed, try and try again.  I hope she keeps that thought tugged right near her heart.  She will not always succeed, I realize that.  But she won't stop trying.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

As a family, we really try to make Halloween fun for the kids and ourselves!  We usually have family over and make some fun and "spooky" snacks.  Later, we try and have some activities for the kids before we go for candy.  This year, we decided to begin dressing up, in some type of family "theme."  My friend Micaela has been doing this with her family for a few years now and they really get a kick out of it, as does their neighbors!

So we went with the witches and wizards theme.  The twins were not happy, as evidenced in the pictures.  They freaked when they saw Herman dressed up.  (see pictures!)  He didn't last long with the costume, but we managed to get in a few pictures.

This year, Anel decided to stay behind and pass out the candy.  We missed her on our "trick or treat" journey, but I guess it's a sign she's growing up. :(
We also decided to forego our golf cart rental this year, and walked the neighborhood.  Those of you that have been here know that the distances between one house and the next are pretty far stretched, so suffice is to say, we got our workout in that night!

I long for a Halloween night that falls on Friday or Saturday.  I feel the kids are so rushed when they have to wake up early for school the next day.  They really can't enjoy sorting through their candy and just relaxing after a fun evening out.  That's been a bummer for the last couple of years, but soon we'll have Halloween fall on a Friday and Saturday night.  YAY!

I feel that this year the holiday madness has been upon us earlier than usual.  As I went about the stores on Nov. 1, I noticed that all of the holiday decorations are out.  What happened to Thanksgiving?

Until next time,