Why blog?

Well, as if I didn't have enough to do already, I thought this would be a neat way to chronicle the events that are going on in our lives right now, and hopefully in a few years read back and think, "How the heck did I do that?"

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another year- gone!

Hard to believe we are in the last few days of 2011.  It seems like yesterday, it was January, 2011.  Makes me realize, not that I didn't know this already, that time goes by too quickly.  Or is it that we don't take the time to stop and savor the moments?  Is technology occupying our every living minute, and the minutes keep ticking while we keep ticking on our ipads, ipods, tablets, laptops, etc...  I don't know, but what I do know is that my girls are growing at a rapid pace, and so are everyone else's as I receive card after card this holiday season.  Friends that are far away send me yearly cards, and the comparison of this card to the previous year is downright scary.  I mean, what do these kids eat?

Speaking of eating, it's that time of year when we all, myself included, start thinking that next year will be the year to lose those pounds that we've been hanging on to for the last couple of years.  No offense to those who do, I don't make New Year's resolutions.  I learned that I can't keep them, so I'm better off not making them and sticking to little goals, such as, I'll eat healthier, try to walk a few days a week, etc...  They are my goals all year long, every day of any year.  Sometimes I hit, many times I miss.  But I don't sweat it like I used to.  I don't obsess over it like I used to.  I want to be healthy and be around for my kids for many more years, but I won't let it consume me like it did pre-children.  I mean, I had nothing else to think about then, now did I?

No, I don't make resolutions, but I do reflect on where I am at, and where I'd like to be.  We are now at what I like to call the wonderful turning point.  The twins will be 3 in February.  For me, three is wonderful.  My two oldest were transformed at three.  Their communication improved dramatically, we got rid of the diapers, and things just got easier all around.  With the twins, I'm hoping the same magic will occur.  We already notice a change. We can now go out to dinner, the six of us, and I can actually finish my meal, without the need of popping 4 Tums during the course of the dinner.  I mean, it was not pretty.  But that's where we WERE at.  Anel and Alia are doing very well in school and are maturing and physically growing at dramatic rates.  (Pre-tweens have very noticeable growth spurts!?)  They are role models for their little sisters and the twins couldn't love them more.  Do they all get along wonderfully all the time? NO!  But it's clear that they are connected in a way only sisters can be!  And it's beautiful to watch!

Where would I like to be?  The answer may shock you.  But it's nowhere else but right here, right now.  Is life perfect? NO.  Do I wish some things were different? YES.  But I have a beautiful family, an amazing extended family, healthy children, a roof over my head and food on the table.  I have met Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This right now will never come again.  So I am savoring this moment, learning how to breathe and let the unimportant things slide by me, and thinking that tomorrow might be a good day to take a 30 minute walk.
From our family to yours, have a wonderful Holiday!

I am blessed.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Alia, that mouth!

Those of you that know Alia, know Alia.  Those of you that don't, will, after this post.  This girl is something else.  She's said many things to me throughout her 6 short years, but some really stand out.  This morning, while having breakfast, she was asked by Herman to stop talking and eat her cereal. This girl talks. And talks, and talks.  She quickly responded, "Well, what do I have my mouth for, for talking, right?"  GULP....  He just looked at me, and I looked at him.  We were speechless.  For me, it was borderline rude, but I know she's testing the waters.  And I know she's Alia.  I breathed, (Thank you, Conscious Discipline) - and I remained silent.  She's partially right? What do I say?  I chose to say nothing at the time.  Later in the day, when she returns from school, I will replay that scenario with her, and suggest other ways of responding, without being so darn blunt.  And I will do that.  Part of me though, is in awe of her.  She's 6.  She stands up for what she feels, and darn it, she says it!  Is that a good quality to have?  As a woman? As a person who has strong beliefs?  I hope she carries that tenacity with her throughout the rest of her life.  I know that if she does, when she falters of that road that we have (hopefully) paved for her, and falter she will, she will have the faith, determination and self assurance to get right back on it.  I love her.  She drives me crazy. She is responsible for every white hair on my head.  But she reminds me, daily, without a doubt, that her mouth is for talking.  And talk she does.

I am blessed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Disney, Play set, and Santa

It's been a while since I've posted, longer than I thought.  The idea of posting has been lingering in my head for a while, just quite hadn't gotten to my fingers and my laptop.  Anywho- (as my daughters now say) here I am.  Funny how you pick up things from YOUR kids, as they do from you.  Funny and scary. 

So, what have we been up to?  We ventured out to Disney a couple of weeks ago.  I was terrified of taking the twins.  Not terrified as in what can Disney do to my twins, but what can my twins do to Disney.  Specifically, Aila.  Specifically, her vocal chords.  I mean, the girl can belch out screams like no one I've ever seen.  I figured she would scream from the moment we got off the hotel bus, to the moment we got back on it.  Well, what do you know?  Wasn't bad at all.  My oldest sister is always reminding me that I have very low expectations of my kids, in terms of their behavior.  She's probably right.  I just don't like setting myself up for disappointments.  So I figure, expect bad, and if you get good, you'll be satisfied.  They were great!  We divided and conquered.  Anel, (gasp) was ready to take on the "more adventurous rides" like Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, etc... and so Herman took her on those and I took the little ones to the other, more kiddie rides.  We got together for family rides, and it worked out great!  Jason, my nephew joined us on Friday, and needless to say, that made it so much easier.  Bless him.  At this rate, he will never have his own children.  This is the same Jason who babysat for us last year when we went to Disney without the twins.  Can you say birth control?  HEHEHE.  The twins hated the characters, more like were terrified, but really liked the princesses.   All around, I'm glad we took them.  We also got to spend time with my other sister, Emoy and her family, which was fantastic.  Love to spend time with the family. 

So on to the play set.  Herman and I have been discussing the need for a play set in our backyard.  Well, not the need, but the desire.  Herman, being Herman, figures that if we have a play set, why would I ever suggest that we take them to a park again?  I'm one step ahead of him- I've got 17 yrs. under my belt next to this guy.  (Herman, we'll be going to parks, my dear, sorry.)  I do agree it would be nice, not necessarily a need.  Anywho, we figured, this is the year.  So off we went play set shopping, with the best testers, the twins.  Those of you that know Herman well, know that bigger is better for him.  (Does that apply to my weight too?)....  So he decided that we needed not one, not two, but three slides.  So after going back and forth and north and south and east and west, and I mean that literally, all over town, we ended up with a Costco play set, ONLINE.  Should've never left my house!  But of course, nothing is easy, Costco won't install that particular set, and without boring you with more details, we found a local dealer, same playset, with installation, great price.  Pictures forthcoming.  Installation date - Nov. 14.  Then the dilemma, how do we get around to making that a Christmas gift, on Nov. 14, for Alia?  Problem solved.  It's an early birthday gift, Alia.  Real early.  If I tell her otherwise, the cat will be out of the bag.  That girl is way toooooo smart!  

Which leads me to my final topic.  Santa.  It was time.  Time for Anel.  I was torn.  I knew I had to confirm her suspicions, but it was killing me.  Killing me as in knowing that this was the end of an illusion, but also the beginning of a new phase.  So when she asked me, point blank, this summer, I had to be honest.  I hope that I did a good job of acknowledging the truth to her, but also being open and true about the true meaning of the holiday season, the importance of keeping that illusion alive for her siblings and cousins, and most importantly keeping that holiday spark and spirit alive within her.  She knew, she just needed to hear it from me.  She was emotional and upset initially, but then she absorbed it all in and I was stunned at her later reaction. She couldn't believe the sacrifices that we all make to please our children during the holidays.  I was proud.  Some adults still don't get that.  Next on the list, Alia.  I know I have a few more years, or at least, I hope to.  Knowing Alia, though, she may just corner me this Christmas.  I'm not giving in.  Not yet. 

I am blessed. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to School, Still not in School and Cleaning....

Last week, our two oldest, Anel and Alia began a new school year.  Anel entered 6th grade, middle school.  Lucky for her and us, the school she attends goes to 8th grade, so she didn't have to enter a new school, just go upstairs to the "Middle School."  She was a bit apprehensive about it, but did much better than I expected.  Middle school involves a lot more teachers, a lot more organization and a greater interest in the way you look.  All of a sudden, it matters to her how her clothes fit, how her hair looks and weather or not her face looks good.  Of course, I always have and always will think she is gorgeous, but now I have to remind her everyday that she is beautiful just the way she is. Most importantly, in the "new" world of middle school, I am constantly telling her to be herself, be smart about who she associates herself with and what comes out of her mouth.  I am not looking forward to the teenage years.  God help me.

Alia, that little firecracker, just loves life.  So naturally, she loves school, her new teacher and first grade.  Lucky for us, her teacher seems to be awesome.  So caring, on top of things, and truly loves these children.  We are blessed to have Alia in her class.  Alia already reads rather well, and I give all credit to her K teacher.  This teacher seems to encourage all her students to perform to the best of their abilities, wherever that may be.  I love that.

The twins are still with me!  I had the option of placing them part-time in a preschool this year, but that would've meant that I had to potty train them in the summer.  So it's difficult enough to potty train, then try doing it with two simultaneously.  Not my idea of an enjoyable summer.  So I skipped that, and decided to keep them with me for one more year full-time.  Perhaps next fall, I might place them in a part-time setting.  But we'll see where we are at.  Although I am exhausted, me being the control freak that I am, I love being with my girls.  I love our routine, how much they're talking and interacting and how much they enjoy being around each other.  I know eventually I have to break that up, but for now it works.  Soon enough they will begin school.  And since this is it for us, as far as having any more children, (that's totally not happening), I plan on enjoying my time with them as much as I can.

So on to the "cleaning" heading of my post.  Some of you may think I have gone totally nuts after reading the next few sentences.  However, I will be honest.  I enjoy cleaning.  It's not an enjoyment where I wake up everyday and can hardly wait to get my hands on the vacuum.  No. Not like that.  It's more like when I feel it needs to happen and I'm totally in the mood, and I get into it, I like it!  I feel like I do a pretty darn good job at it...  So a little history here.  Early on in our marriage, Herman informed me that he hated cleaning and would not do it if his life depended on it.  He would rather get a root canal.  So, since I was working outside the home at the time, we agreed that we would hire someone to clean on a biweekly basis, and that way neither one of us would get stuck doing it.  That seemed fair.  Throughout our marriage and family life, we've been very very lucky to have the ability to hire someone to clean our home regularly.  Attending to small children and cleaning somehow becomes difficult, tedious, impossible.  Especially when your home is rather large.  So we have a large home that takes a lot of time to clean well.   Anyway, so our present cleaning person has dropped off the planet.  Nowhere to be found, gone, who knows where.  So I looked around about 2 months ago, after trying to track her down for weeks and decided that I should give it a shot.  Mind you, I'm constantly cleaning.  It's not like I sit around waiting for her to come when there are crumbs on the floor, dust on the tables, toys everywhere, etc....  But she does the 'major cleaning.'

So, I cleaned.  I cleaned, I'm cleaning and I am still cleaning.  I divide and conquer.  I do the bedrooms/bathrooms one day, and then living areas the next one or two days, depending on how the twins behave.  There are days that they cooperate and there are days that I have to clean when they nap.  Here's the rough part for some of you------  I LIKE IT!  There's a sense of satisfaction associated when you see what you've cleaned and how well it looks, sparkles, shines, smells!  Do I like to do it everyday?  NO.  Do I clean this way everyday?  NO.  Maybe once a month is the major stuff.  The minor stuff is daily.  So I thought I'd get that out there, cause I'm sure some of you feel the same way but are afraid to admit it.  (Just Kidding, this is not normal, I know.)  Herman thinks I'm nuts, but it keeps me busy, is a great workout, and shows my girls that sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.  I'm lucky I'm healthy enough to to do it.  Some people can't and don't have a choice but to have others clean for them.  I've been blessed with good health and I can do it!
I'm blessed!

Some Summer 2011 pictures -

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A week of bonding....

10 Grandchildren and 1 Great-grandchild

Desperate measures....
We just returned from a week of vacationing with our entire family.  When I say entire, I mean all of us.  As in both my sisters and their respective families, and the head of it all, my mom.  We've been doing this now for three years.  This is the first year that we were all able to make it, although my oldest sister and her oldest son left midweek because of work commitments.  We chose Marco Island as our destination.  We try to go to different places in Florida every year, as to make it more exciting.  We rented a 5 bedroom 3 bath home for the week.  Each family unit was assigned a night to cook, plus they also had to bring breakfast and lunch items.  Suffice it is to say that we ended up doing 3 grocery runs.  The food just disappeared.  We also had a toilet paper shortage which was remedied by assigning each family a roll of toilet paper to be used the last three days.  Now that was funny!  (See pics)  We typically woke up around 9, had breakfast and then headed to the beach.  We were steps away from Tigertail Beach which has an inlet that needs to be crossed before you get to the actual "beach".  Not everyone was happy about walking through that inlet, especially Marlene my oldest sister.  She was grossed out and horrified.  But the rest of us did fairly well.  Upon our return, we usually went into the pool and then kept eating.  It was really an eating fest.  But the point of this vacation is for all of us to enjoy each other's company for a week.  With work and school commitments and such a gap in ages with our kids, it's difficult to get everyone together.  Well, this does it.  I am so glad we were all there.  I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed it because I got to hang out with the people I love most in this world.  These are the folks who have been there during the good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly.  We, as a family unit have endured what every family has - joyous births of children, losses of loved ones, illnesses, unemployment, crisis, financial hardships and uncertainties.  But the one thing that has remained a constant is our love for one another.  I think each of  the people you see in the family picture below knows that.  We may disagree, and have different opinions on a variety of topics, but we all agree that we are one.  We are what two people, Luis and Ofelia Alvero (my mom and dad)  started, and now have become a group of 20+ individuals that are grateful, humbled and blessed to have each other.  I dare speak for all of us when I say that.  WE are blessed!
The Family

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sleeping together - Finally!!!!!

Since the twins were born, I've put them to sleep together in the same room maybe a handful of times.  Ania (blue eyes) is a light sleeper.  She often wakes up in the middle of the night, cries for about 5-7 minutes and then soothes herself to sleep. Aila, on the other hand, sleeps profoundly and much longer than Ania.  Since they were infants, I've interchanged them.  One sleeps in their room, the other sleeps in a pack and play, either in the playroom or in H's office, which I might add, they love.  So I figured, why mess with something that works?  One day, they'll sleep in the same room.  For now, I can take advantage of the fact that Aila wakes up later, naps longer, and I can just get Ania when she starts crying and/or yelling "MAMA!"

Well, Aila changed my plans.  She climbed out of her pack and play and bumped her forehead and nose.  So, what to do?  Place in her crib in her room and have them sleep together.  Ania already has a crib tent.  What's a crib tent you might ask?  Google it, the best invention ever created....  So two nights ago, I went for it.  I was terrified.  It's not the same having one baby wake up in the middle of the night than having one baby wake up another in the middle of the night and have two crying babies in the middle of the night.  You get my drift....Herman was traveling, this was my chance.  So..... it worked!  Ania didn't cry and they both sleep soundly through the night. What was I so scared of?  Having my precious sleep interrupted, I guess.  Well, last night, second night of this experiment, Ania did cry at 2:29 a.m.  I cringed.  I thought, this is it.  Well, guess what?  Aila tunes her out!  As in, throws a blankie over her head, tunes her out.  I love it!  This is what we have been working towards.  And guess what?  I think they love it too.  They are sisters, connected, in ways than only sisters can be. They've been together for a very long time, since they were created.  They love being together.  They share a special bond.  And I adore them with all of me.  All four.  My girls.  I am blessed.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Getting into a summer routine....

Well, we are back from our VA vacation, settling into somewhat of a summer routine.  I really do love summer.  I don't feel the pressure of putting the kids to bed early, assisting with homework, driving to dance and piano practice and so on. The girls love going to bed late, (what kid doesn't) and I love the fact that they do wake up a bit later, including the twins.  I guess they sense it's summer!

I am so glad we had a pool built.  That is instant entertainment.  It was worth every single penny.  Once the twins are older and can swim independently, I'm going to love it even more.  They literally spend hours there.  But to get the little ones in is another story.  Ania, (blue eyes) really stays calm, but Aila goes nuts. She wants to go!  So it takes a couple of adults for all of them to be in there at the same time.

Speaking of pool, last week we had four major things break in our home within a 3 day period.  Water heater had to be replaced, salt chlorinator in pool needs to be replaced, sprinkler box is dead and the compressor in one of our ac units died. Talk about a bad rut.  I see it like this.... as long as my kids are healthy,
everything else we can fix.  Not happy about the expenses, but we can fix it.
Keeping things real.... I am blessed.

Monday, July 4, 2011

We're back!

Yay!  We made it back to Davie on Saturday, July 2nd in the evening.  We spent the previous night in Orlando, and celebrated my niece's Ciara's 9th Bday there.  Speaking of nieces, I added one more to the mix, so now I have my niece Ciara here with me for a good portion of the summer.  Hey, 4, 5, kids, no different.  Plus my girls and we LOVE her, of course, so everyone's happy!  She said she would call me "mommy" and I said to her, "No problem!"  So I temporarily have 5 girls.  FUN!

The drive back, once again, was not bad.  Funny, call it coincidence or whatever, but the twins started acting up when we were about 20 min. from home.  Did they sense we were closer? I don't know but I'm thankful it was then.

I'm glad we took this trip.  The girls enjoyed it, my husband was happy and I enjoyed reconnecting with friends.

Yesterday, July 3rd, was Anel's 11th birthday.  I know it's cliche that time passes quickly, but it does even more when you have kids.  I still remember the day she was born, vividly.  Herman was soooooo nervous.  I was too, but kept my composure, I think.  We were convinced we were having a boy, and much to everyone's surprise, out came Anel!  I remember the waiting room filled with anxious family members.  Everyone awaiting the arrival of this new baby.

She became the purpose for our lives.  Much has changed since Anel arrived, 11 years ago.  Her grandmother and grandfather are no longer physically with us.  She has new sisters and cousins.  We have new friends and have made new memories.  But the basics are still there.  Our strong family conviction, amazing friends, our love and respect for one another and our health.  Things you can't buy.

Anel was lucky to be born to us, but we are luckier we were chosen to be her parents.  And we are so fortunate to have a strong, large, extended family who has stuck with us through the good and the bad.

I am blessed.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

That's an almost wrap!

Well today we start our journey back home. We have been in our old stomping grounds for the past 12 days. Herman kindly asked me to join him on this trip to the northern Virginia area, and, not too happily, I agreed. I thought driving 17 hrs with 4 children, (5 if you count h), would equate to setting my hair on fire. Well, it wasn't that bad! It wasn't a piece of cake, but is was far less chaotic than I had anticipated. Granted, this was only the one way trip, I'll later blog about this one.....

So we head back, with a suburban, (I refer to as 18 wheeler and this makes Anel crack up) filled with stuff that I Have no idea how I accumulated during e last 12 days. How does that happen? And also with 4 happy vivacious little girls who I hope contain themselves for the next- 16 hrs. Well, we've been driving for one already!

We reconnected with old friends,some whom are like family. Steven and Ellen who were, have been and will always be like family. Ellen has always been a lifesaver and a great friend! She let me do a ton of laundry at her house and always accommodated our very large family for dinner, happily! We love them and are so grateful to have them as friends. We also saw the Darr family whom we love dearly. Connecting with the Luebkes's is always a blast. We have so much fun with them! If only Kevin would be promoted to south Florida! The Maller's , such great hosts and Lori always trying to help out with the girls and making us feel so at home! We also saw our old neighbors, the Roenicke's and the Allbrights. We miss our friendly neighbors and were so glad to see them again. We had dinner with the Vasquez family and so enjoyed spending time with them. And lastly, but certainly not least, my great friend, Veronica and her lovely family. With 4 kids herself, her and I have so much in common and I absolutely loved spending time with her and her family.

The days went by quickly. It was loads of fun. We did some sightseeing and a lot of eating. I wish I could have seen more friends, but there's never enough time :(.

Now on to Florence, south Carolina for an overnight stay and then tomorrow another 7 hrs. T Orlando. A quick stop there to celebrate my niece's birthday and then onto Davie. Yay!

I am blessed.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I've always meant to journal.....

I set up this blog page when the twins were 18 months and now they are 29 months.....
I've always loved to journal. I guess this is the new way of doing it. I intend to use this blog as my daily, weekly, monthly escape or better- venting board. Being home with 4 girls can get lonely, never boring though... So I feel I have the opportunity to converse, maybe one way at times, with whomever is kind and patient enough to follow and read this blog. So welcome to my life. I know I'm blessed, but some days, some of you may need to remind me!