Why blog?

Well, as if I didn't have enough to do already, I thought this would be a neat way to chronicle the events that are going on in our lives right now, and hopefully in a few years read back and think, "How the heck did I do that?"

Monday, July 4, 2011

We're back!

Yay!  We made it back to Davie on Saturday, July 2nd in the evening.  We spent the previous night in Orlando, and celebrated my niece's Ciara's 9th Bday there.  Speaking of nieces, I added one more to the mix, so now I have my niece Ciara here with me for a good portion of the summer.  Hey, 4, 5, kids, no different.  Plus my girls and we LOVE her, of course, so everyone's happy!  She said she would call me "mommy" and I said to her, "No problem!"  So I temporarily have 5 girls.  FUN!

The drive back, once again, was not bad.  Funny, call it coincidence or whatever, but the twins started acting up when we were about 20 min. from home.  Did they sense we were closer? I don't know but I'm thankful it was then.

I'm glad we took this trip.  The girls enjoyed it, my husband was happy and I enjoyed reconnecting with friends.

Yesterday, July 3rd, was Anel's 11th birthday.  I know it's cliche that time passes quickly, but it does even more when you have kids.  I still remember the day she was born, vividly.  Herman was soooooo nervous.  I was too, but kept my composure, I think.  We were convinced we were having a boy, and much to everyone's surprise, out came Anel!  I remember the waiting room filled with anxious family members.  Everyone awaiting the arrival of this new baby.

She became the purpose for our lives.  Much has changed since Anel arrived, 11 years ago.  Her grandmother and grandfather are no longer physically with us.  She has new sisters and cousins.  We have new friends and have made new memories.  But the basics are still there.  Our strong family conviction, amazing friends, our love and respect for one another and our health.  Things you can't buy.

Anel was lucky to be born to us, but we are luckier we were chosen to be her parents.  And we are so fortunate to have a strong, large, extended family who has stuck with us through the good and the bad.

I am blessed.

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